Cheap and quality international calls

Are you looking for cheap solutions to call abroad?

We offer international call forwarding with the best quality and price on the market. To hire is simple, just register and activate your account. Just click the Create Account button below

Create an Account

After registering, simply top up to make calls. This can be done easily by accessing the customer portal after logging in to our website. Everything in a simple way, for you. How to call?.

With the use of VoIP technology, the way of routing an international call within the network has changed completely, which is why it is possible to make calls at such low costs. This is only possible thanks to the internet network, the call travels through this network arriving at the destination country, it is received on an operator network, then goes to the destination phone, therefore, most of the route of this call was carried out through the network internet, and not a PSTN network, an old conventional telecommunications network.

Due to these changes in technology that have impacted and changed the way we live today, the concept of communication has also changed, this could not be any different, today we can easily talk to someone on the other side of the world through software such as Whatsapp, Skype, or other type of instant communication application, a quick, easy and often free solution.

However, there are cases in which it is still necessary to call a conventional telephone, whether for a commercial contact for you or your company, or even to communicate with someone who is not connected all the time with current tools, to In these cases we develop our solutions, a new concept that adheres to today.

No more making international calls, the old call International DDI or LDI With your cell phone or telephone fixed and after you have been surprised with your payment at the end of the month, our solution allows on-line management of calls and our rates are transparent. We make this for your comfort and convenience, as simple as you deserve.

Do you want to make or receive international links?

Offer communication services and solutions that satisfy the needs of our clients beyond their expectations.

How to make a fire for or outside?

To make an international call, simply type (00 + Country Code + Telephone Number).

For different options on how to make an international call, see the article in our blog.